Why now? 

This is an important moment for higher education. 

Higher education leaders and the fiduciaries that govern colleges and universities are operating in a new environment where risks are becoming more complex and interconnected.

From cyber threats to regulatory compliance, it is evident that failing to address risk proactively and cross-functionally can undermine stability, erode trust, and diminish confidence in the leadership of American colleges and universities.

Currently, higher education associations concentrate on specific areas like housing, health, business services, or enrollment. While these are all important topics, the dynamic environment of higher education necessitates a more integrated approach to managing risks at the enterprise level.

HigherEdRisk aims to raise the visibility of strategic risk management and seeks to complement and highlight existing industry publications produced by higher education associations, insurance brokers, or underwriters.

A New Lens for Fiduciaries

The aperture for discussing risks facing higher education is no longer at the department or functional level. HigherEdRisk seeks to share a broader perspective that focuses upon the intersection of departments and oversight by fiduciaries — such as trustees and regents. To that end, the publication intends to:

  • Curate content vital to university decision-makers, fiduciaries, and stakeholders. 

  • Complement and invite collaboration with respected voices in the industry.

  • Connect the dots between university offices and associations.

  • Create a forum for discussing and highlighting business practices that help reduce the cost of college by practical risk mitigation strategies including risk transfer programs that reduce financial losses.