Welcome to HigherEdRisk 

Are you looking for a resource that can provide you with a better understanding of your risk landscape in higher education? Would you welcome a holistic view of current and future exposures facing the industry presented in a style that is easy to consume? 

Our goal is to provide you with actionable insights on risk opportunities from a panoramic viewpoint. We seek engaging content that will encourage conversation and empower your organization to anticipate, manage, and adapt to industry disruptions. 

Most publications focus on one sector of the industry. We are different. We curate content from campus and industry leaders from diverse backgrounds to share their insights, experiences, and lessons learned.

Our team of experienced practitioners will bridge the gap between the campus offices, while exposing risk at the macro level.

Risk is everyone’s business. HigherEdRisk, its newsletter, and our companion LinkedIn Group provide a platform to discuss emerging risks, build insights into how executive leaders and fiduciaries can reduce or avoid losses, and increase organizational effectiveness.

Thank you for joining us on our new venture. Let’s build a resilient future together!

Meet Tracey Swift, Editor-in-Chief 

Tracey Swift brings 20+ years of experience in higher education and corporate risk management.

She most recently served as the Executive Director of Risk Management at Arizona State University, where she directed ASU’s global risk management and insurance programs. Tracey’s private sector experience encompasses work for Fortune 500 companies, including an international assignment to train a new risk management team in Switzerland. In addition to her risk management experience, she held broker positions with Marsh at their headquarters in New York.

Tracey has earned Associate in Risk Management (ARM) and Cyber 301 designations from The Institutes and a Commercial Brokers License in Property and Casualty Insurance. 

Tracey has volunteered in several capacities for risk professional organizations and has been selected as a Top Risk Management Voice on LinkedIn.

In 2024, Tracey embarked on a new journey to give back to the higher education community by bringing awareness in print and social media to highlight the interconnectedness of risk in all aspects of college life. 

The mission of HigherEdRisk is to empower higher education leaders by creating engaging conversations and fostering an innovative and collaborative approach to strategically managing risks. Tracey is not an employee but serves as an independent Editor-in-Chief at HigherEdRisk.

Editorial Advisory Board

  • Tracey Swift


  • Wimer Alberto

    College Life Protected

  • Mary Whisenand


  • Steve Holland

    Retired risk manager of University of Arizona & past URMIA President

  • Courtney Davis Curtis

    HUB International Limited

  • John Fees

    Publisher and College Life Protected (B-Corp)

  • Kim Nimmo

    Enterprise Risk Management at Lehigh University